Friday, May 24, 2013

Beautiful skies

People who haven't cruised, or camped in the outback, may not be able to imagine the beauty of the sunsets, sunrises and starry skies.

We are sailing fast up the Queensland coast, outside Great Keppel Island as I write. A perfect passage-making breeze; 15 knots on the beam. Nimrod and her crew are happy. She is bouncing along at 8 knots.

We caught a large muddie in River Heads, and a beautiful bigeye tuna, about 7kg, in Hervey Bay. Bulk sashimi. Lovely.

Here are some of the skies we have seen.

Dawn at Double Island Point

 Sunrise in the Great Sandy Strait

Mist rising off the water by Fraser Island 

 Pastel sunset near 1770

Sunset over Pancake Creek

Lacy fringe of sun around a cloud at dawn


  1. Absolutely stunning .....sights to soothe the soul .
    Safe sailing .

  2. Wow. These are epic. Beautiful photos Dave!
